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  • Wendy Savill

SavFest 2022 has left the building

Well it's a week since SavFest 2022 was in full swing and it takes me this long to process it all. I am always overwhelmed with the kindness, love and support that everyone who is a part of SavFest shows every year. This year was even more special as we had Staci Black over from the US as a part of it with us (he's the guy on the left in the photo). He was responsible for staging SavFest USA 5 years running so he knows just how much blood, sweat and tears goes into putting on such a festival. Yes, there is a sense of relief when it's over especially when everyone has had such a great time but there is also a flatness, an emptiness that goes with it. In the weeks leading up to the event, your mind is buzzing, you have lists of your lists, there are logistical issues to sort, special requests to try and accommodate. Even up the day itself, these things are being dealt with behind the scenes. Then it's all over and we look at each other with a "what now" feeling. Hearing the comments and seeing the posts afterwards makes us realise we are doing something right. This year we had speakers on stage that had never spoken in public and they did so about deeply personal topics but when that is delivered to a crowd of people who are without judgement but full of support, then it's much easier to do. All had an underlying message of hope and that came across in bucket loads.

So, we're a week after and we've already got a huge list of bands who want to play SavFest 2023, some already confirmed. How amazing is that? 2023 will be our 10th anniversary at Ian's Chain which is both heart breaking and amazing in equal measure. Heart breaking as it will be 10 years this December since Ian took his own life but amazing as we have done so much in his memory whilst saving others.

SavFest 2023, we're coming for you - see you at the front.

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